Business is one of the toughest journey one can choose to go on with a motive to earn a lot of money by putting in some huge amount of hard work (which some people forget to include in business knowingly or unknowingly). I used to wonder sometime back that why businesses stop their growth after a fruitful year, this thought was one of the biggest wall which was difficult for me to climb at an early age. This content is a must read for those who are thinking to start a business or those who are already in business.
Every industry in this world has some small scale businesses and some large scale businesses and that is decided mainly from two things and that are, first you start small and then make it big, and, second that you start big with more investments in it. Some people think that large scale companies are the one destroying the chorus of small scale businesses, but I don’t think that way. Small scale businesses and large scale businesses have same market but different customers and both get equal chance to grab more and more customers from their market but then what do you think stops small scale businesses from getting equal or more customers as compared to large scale businesses?
When you start a new business there is one thing you are filled with and that's motivation to make it run and earn a lot of money from it. This is a common thing for both small scale and large scale businesses but one thing that changes while working are the priorities. People start earning in their business but what they prefer to do with that earning and where do they invest matters. Business is like a tree, you sow a seed then keep on giving it water and sunlight to let it grow. Now compare your business with a tree and you will find the answers. We don’t just stop our discussion here with this as an understanding. People are never able to accept their mistakes and they don't even compare their work so that they can improve their work. Its just because people can’t see flaws in their work and its absolutely natural. When you compare your company with a tree and think you have been serving your company perfectly as you serve your tree, have you noticed what are the ingredients you have been serving? If you serve a burger or a coke to a tree do you think it will grow to it’s 100%? No, it will never. Similarly, I will ask you to compare burger or a coke with you giving time to your company, TIME - ONLY TIME (By making it bold I wanted you to understand that you are giving time but unproductive time).
Time is nothing until you do something productive in that period. I have heard a lot of people saying that I spent 9 hours-10 hours studying before exam and still I do not score, but ask yourself that out of those 9-10 hours how much time were you really focused on that particular topic that you were studying? I think hardly 2-3 hours; you don’t say that you were actually studying for 9-10 hours. Similarly, I see people telling I work for 15 hours a day in my job, tell us that out of those 15 hours how much time you really spent taking breaks and how much time you spent on your phone. So if you say I spend 12-15 hours in my business and it still doesn’t grow then buddy you need to know how much time you really are spending and how much you are really giving to your business from your side. Trust me, once you know that about yourself and once you understand and decide that you should give more, then nothing can stop you from growing and reaching your goals.
Secondly other mistake that people do while at business is they really don’t know what they are earning for. If you spend more of your earnings on yourself than in investing it in your business, then buddy business in not your priority and if it isn’t then nothing can help you in this competition to grow. Warren Buffet once said that spend the amount that is required. Why would once the richest man in this world would say this if it didn't make any sense. Note that once you make your business as your priority and give more to it than to yourself then you are that next smartest and biggest personality in the industry. Also this isn’t only for business, it is applicable in everything in your life, from your personal relationships till your office, everywhere. Just love your business and like you work 24x7 for the thing you love similarly for your business also and just then see amount of love you give to your business more you succeed in it, that’s simple!
It might have been easy reading this content which I have written and you might have thought that it's easy for him to write but I mean each and every word I am sharing with you here and have practiced that in my life which made me eligible to share it with you. Hope my content could help you somewhere in your life.